Campus Phone/Callbox Listing
Blue-light Call Box Locations:
- These call boxes all have a red “HELP” button on them, which if pressed will connect you directly to Campus Police via the campus 9-1-1 system.
- Outside the main entrance to every residence hall on campus.
- Along the sidewalk running between Lot 4 and Lot 5.
- In Lot 7, Metzger Parking Garage. There are three on each floor located near each stairwell and elevator entrance.
- In Lot 13, the Decker/Cromwell Parking Garage. There are three on each floor located near each stairwell and elevator entrance.
- In Lot 10 and 11, the Travers/Wolfe Parking Garage. There are two located on each floor near each stairwell and elevator entrance.
- In Lot 17 and 18, the Education Building Parking Garage. There are two located on each floor near each stairwell and elevator entrance.
- In Lots 1 and 2, the Armstrong Parking Garage. They are located near each stairwell and elevator entrance.
Phone Locations:
- Metzger Drive at South Entrance to Townhouses West Complex
- Metzger Drive by Softball Field
- Between the Running Track and Soccer Field
- Between Lot 7 and Lions Stadium on wall of Lot 7
- Along the sidewalk running in front of Lot 4 and and in between Lot 5 & Lot 6
- Metzger Drive on lawn across from Sylva Lake
- Along sidewalk running from Gitenstein Library to Centennial Hall
- Between the track and Ackerman Field.
- In the courtyard between the Biology Building and the Science Complex.
- Along the sidewalk running between the Social Sciences Building and Kendall Hall to Bliss Hall.
- Along the sidewalk running behind New Residence Hall to Cromwell Hall.
- Behind Cromwell Hall next to the northwest corner of Lot 14 (Decker Cromwell Parking Garage).
- Along the Townhouse East, West and South walkways.
- Walkway running from Brower SC to Social Science Bldg.
Campus Phone Listing Map
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