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TCNJ Alerts

TCNJ Text Alerts


A phone displaying a red exclamation point signifying an emergency.TCNJ utilizes a text emergency-alert system as one of the most direct means of providing time-sensitive Information the significantly impacts the campus community. These emergency-alerts send warnings, information, and updates about any issues that present a threat to the safety to students. It ensures campus community is informed and safe. This system also provides developments that significantly impact our campus and require time-sensitive distribution of information.

Information is also distributed through additional channels, such as mass e-mail, text message, and TCNJ Web pages.

Instructions for TCNJ Guardians

Please ask your TCNJ student to enter your voice or text-messaging device number(s) in PAWS.

Instructions for TCNJ students

To enroll in TCNJ’s Emergency Alert System

Enter your text-messaging device number in PAWS using phone type “Text Alert.” Regular text messaging rates apply.

  • Step 1: Navigate to PAWS on TCNJ Today Home page.
  • Step 2: Select the “Student Center” link.
    • student-center
  • Step 3: Scroll down and select Mobile & Other Phones or Demographic Data
    • mobile-phones
  • Step 4: Select the “Add A Phone Number” button and select the “Phone Type” of “Text Alert 1.” Add your 10-digit mobile phone number (including area code). For US numbers, do not add a country code. For international numbers, please add the country code preceded by a “+” at the start of your phone number.
    • phone-numbers

[OPTIONAL] To receive additional text and voice message alerts

You may designate two additional text cellular numbers to receive text alerts by using phone types “Text Alert 2; Text Alert 3.” You may also designate up to five voice telephone numbers to receive voice alerts by using phone types “Voice Alert 1; Voice Alert 2; Voice Alert 3; Voice Alert 4; Voice Alert 5.” Phone types listed as “Voice Alert” may not receive all emergency-alert communications. No voice messages will be sent if a “Text Alert” number is not entered. Step 6. Select “Add A Phone Number” and select “Voice Alert 1-5″  or “Text Alert 2-3” as the Phone Type. Add your telephone numbers (including area code).

Instructions for TCNJ faculty and staff

To enroll in TCNJ’s Emergency Alert System

From the TCNJ Today webpage, navigate to the Oracle Cloud app and log in using your TCNJ credentials. Click on the “Personal Information” tile and then on the “Contact Info” tile. Click on the “Add” button in the upper right-hand corner and then on “Phone Details” in the drop-down menu. Fill out the requested information to add your phone number, making sure to select “Text Alert” in the “Type” drop-down menu, and then hit the “Submit” button. (To change the phone number registered to receive text alerts, click on the “Contact Info” tile and then on the pencil icon on the “Text Alert” line.) Please only designate one number with the “Text Alert” type.

Confidentiality Policy

Cell phone numbers provided to The College of New Jersey for the purpose of receiving text-message emergency alerts will not be used for any other purpose by the vendor supplying this service. The vendor has also agreed to keep this information confidential.

Potential Text Messages

Below are several sample messages that could be distributed under appropriate circumstances. The actual message sent in a given situation may vary. Due to the character limitations associated with text-messaging (approximately 160 characters per message), TCNJ alerts will frequently direct recipients to another communication channel (TCNJ home page or e-mail) for more complete information. These sources may not be updated as rapidly as the text message is delivered, but the information will be posted or sent as quickly as possible.

Sample Messages:

  • TCNJ weather closing. All classes canceled and offices closed today. Visit for details soon.
  • Inclement weather has caused a delayed opening today at TCNJ. Visit for details soon.
  • TCNJ facility closure – (insert facility name here). TCNJ e-mail will provide details soon.
  • TCNJ timely warning of criminal activity. TCNJ e-mail will provide details soon.
  • TCNJ Emergency Alert – Stay away from (insert location here). Visit for details soon.
  • TCNJ Emergency – Potentially dangerous situation on campus. Remain in or proceed to secure location until further notice.
  • TCNJ Emergency Alert – Potential danger has subsided. Visit or check TCNJ e-mail for more details soon.

Frequently Asked Questions

When will I get a message?

Messages will only be sent under the following circumstances:

  • when a situation presents an ongoing threat to community safety
  • when there are major facility or campus closures
  • when system tests need to be performed
  • for timely warning of criminal activity

How quickly will I receive messages?

The rate at which messages are received depends upon your cell phone provider’s capabilities. This could be instantaneous or could take an extended period of time. TCNJ and its text-alert system have no control over the speed with which your cellular provider delivers messages.

How can I get more information once I receive a text message?

Due to the limitations of text messaging, messages will be very brief and contain vital and immediate information. More information will be made available through other communication channels, such as TCNJ e-mail, and TCNJ Web pages.

Can my parents receive TCNJ emergency alerts on their cell phones?

You can enroll up to three cellular numbers in TCNJ’s emergency-alerts system by entering them in the “Text Alert,” ” Voice Alert 1,” and “Voice Alert 2 ”Students/faculty/staff must enter their cellular numbers in the “Text Alert” field because numbers entered in this field will receive text-message alerts whenever the system is activated. The “Voice Alert” fields will provide voicemail messages, not text messages, and will not be used in all situations. These fields can be filled with additional student/faculty/staff cellular numbers or those of parents whom you wish to receive TCNJ’s emergency alerts.

Does signing up for TCNJ’s text-alert system cost me anything?

There is no cost to sign up. The only charges you incur would be the normal fees charged by your mobile service provider for receiving text messages.

How do I report an EMERGENCY after business hours?

Requests for emergency work or services should be reported to Campus Police at 609.771.2345. As a reminder, service requests may be an EMERGENCY when the work requires immediate action to eliminate hazards that pose a threat to the life, health, or security of faculty, staff, students, or guests; to prevent loss or damage to College property and equipment; and/or; to ensure the continuation of mission-critical services.

Please submit all other work requests via the Facilities Client Portal.

What if I don’t have a cell phone or mine doesn’t have text messaging?

Text alerts are just one of the communication channels used by TCNJ in the event of an emergency. The emergency-alert system is not replacing TCNJ’s other methods of communication; it is simply enhancing the College’s options for distributing information rapidly.

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